Jun 27, 2018 | Feature Stories, General, Local News, News
https://www.umcmission.org/learn-about-us/news-and-stories/2018/june/we-call-for-immediate-release The Council, and the General Board of Global Ministries of The United Methodist Church, the agency from which Tawanda Chandiwana received his Christian commission, are...
Nov 30, 2017 | Bulawayo - Midlands, Feature Stories, General, Local News, News
BY TINASHE RANGANAI DZOTIZEI The year 2017 has provided great music moments sandwiched by unique historic storylines when it comes to the Mubvuwi weUnited Methodist Church (MUMC) Organisation. The Zimbabwe East (ZEAC) and West (ZWAC) Annual Conferences both staged...
Oct 6, 2017 | Feature Stories, Features, General
African Bishops and other leaders of the General Church were overwhelmed with joy and amazement by the beauty and magnitude of the new headquarters in the two conferences. Their thanks and appreciation which they expressed upon visiting these offices is a tribute to...