Jun 27, 2018 | General, Youth and Young Adults
BY TINASHE RANGANAI DZOTIZEI Chikanga Circuit were in seventh heaven as they were crowned Zimbabwe Episcopal Area United Methodist Youth Fellowship (UMYF) music champions after an exciting, spirit filled festival held at Waterfalls United Methodist Church on June 23,...
Oct 6, 2017 | Makoni - Buhera, News, Youth and Young Adults
BY RANGANAI TINASHE DZOTIZEI The Zimbabwe East Annual Conference UMYF Annual Revival was held at Claire Mission from 28-30 April 2017 characterized by joy, colour and moments to cherish in living memory. Youths from the conference seven districts namely Harare East,...
Sep 2, 2013 | Youth and Young Adults
Meeting for holy conferencing. “Now you know!” said the Africa Central Conference (ACC) and the College of Bishops President Bishop Eben Kanukayi Nhiwatiwa at the opening of the ACC Young People’s Gathering organised by the United Methodist Women Regional Missionary...